Original Post by: Joseph Patrick Moore Today (May 11th, 2010) my newest CD “To Africa With Love” is released on Blue Canoe Records. I’m so excited to share this recording with you and hope that you will check it out and enjoy!
As the title suggests, “To Africa With Love” is a collection of songs inspired by the magical enchantment of Africa, fused with my musical influences and American heritage. These audio vibrations are a snapshot of my life from June 2008 through the completion of this recording on February 11th, 2010. Through happiness and pain, this recording captures my daily journey of the many facets in the creative process. The composition, arrangement, performance, engineering, mix and overall production of this audio diary reflects my present musical and spiritual state. Music has no boundaries and can not be separated by oceans, governments and principalities. Music has the power to uplift, connect, heal and create universal harmony for the human race. As God‘s vessel, each of us are on a spiritual journey to develop and embrace the gifts He has given to us. With these gifts we should be reminded to develop and share them for and with our fellow man. Each of our unique thumbprints should not be taken for granted but must be utilized for the greater good. It is my sincere hope that this CD captures and embraces this spirit, as it is the nucleus of every note and creative thought I relay to you. This CD would not have been possible without the following artist’s who added their unique thumbprint to this recording: Tyrone Jackson (keys) Brian Carl (guitar) Wayne Viar (drums/percussion) Charlie Wood (vocals) Seth Condrey (vocals, acoustic guitar) Chinua Hawk (vocals) Abbes Bouzefrane (vocals) Ken Love (mastering) To Listen, Hear, Watch, Buy visit Sincerely, Joseph Patrick Moore |